City Of Industry (Chapter 19)

Location: General Washington’s headquarters.

General Washington stared at the console in front of him.

‘Everything ready, Commander?’

Roderick Barnes stood at attention.

‘Yes Sir! The threat from their ragtag army has been eliminated. It took us a while, but we finally got them. The Disciples are no more, just a few stragglers left...’

Clyde Washington swiveled in his chair.

‘Well then Commander Barnes, let’s proceed as planned.’

‘Yes Sir, right away Sir,’

Location: Forest covered in dense fog.

With 80% of his forces destroyed, Kyle looked around him.

The last group of his resistance army was down to maybe one hundred men.

The attack on ANRAC’s main facility had failed. ANRAC’s special forces team had intercepted their location and decimated them. Commander Barnes was good, really good, Kyle thought to himself. Kyle wondered which of The Disciples had betrayed them by giving away his location. His men were worn out. Tired.

Now, he was preparing for a final ambush to get General Washington at this headquarters. Cut off the head of the snake, Kyle thought.

Suddenly a noise interrupted his thoughts. ‘Watchers’ were coming.

And with them, drones and destruction. Kyle knew that.

‘I’ve got a bad feeling about this.’

‘Quiet down boys, quiet…’
